It’s that glorious time of year when the lucky get to flee the enduring Midwestern winter and get away during the spring holiday break. There are many reasons keeping you from going...maybe you can’t afford to miss work, or didn't get that tax return cash yet, or maybe you just could not you process through the 5 stages of denial that you are not going anywhere.
Our lower level was flooded in 2012's Midwest flood. We were lucky as I didn't loose much furniture as we woke during the flood and moved our stuff to high...
The friend circle I have surrounded (found) myself in has a couple of defining characteristics, the most generous being humor.
Other great characteristics include being loving and kind, honesty, good listening skills, spontaneous nature and lastly ownership of a boat or beach home (just kidding, kinda)...all good characteristics....but humor is at the forefront....
If your life is like mine then you have limited choices of family members, neighbors, parents at the school, committee members on volunteer gigs, bosses....make sense to "choose" the "right" friends for your needs. One of my needs is to LAUGH...and often.
Here are a couple of stories to share and giggle at.
It was a fun and creative way to raise funds and awareness to about a terrible disease. I loved how people participated, everyone loves a challenge.
But I did not. It was not due to being asked, as I was "nominated" many times. I did not tell anyone at the time that I was going to give money to my charity of choice. It was not ALS.
I was reading about the history of the American Circus…which quite frankly creeps me out, but I do find myself drawn like a tourist to the “stage acts” AKA “freak shows’. I’m not going to delve into the horrible ethics related to this attraction, but rather express my sympathy and admiration for the bearded lady, and maybe her friend the fat lady.
Don’t you sometimes wish there was a greeting card you could give a friend that says “Thank you for all the years, but this relationship is no longer healthy or fun, and I’m really not getting anything out of it! So good luck and take care, good bye and God Bless”